Saturday, March 3, 2012

the poetry industry

the poetry industry
where hearts have become commodities 
and pure love is now an oddity
we are the prodigies of our words
begging to be heard
by any soul
that may create the illusion 
of us feeling whole
we seek to fill our man-made voids
like toys
tinkered with 
and tossed
we seduce our own minds
till all humanity is lost
to the rhythm of delusion 
we succumb 
to intoxicating profusion 
of false gods
our egos 
we stroke 
held in a delirious daze
until death 


  1. I just wanted to tell you that I simply loved this poem.

    "we are the prodigies of our words
    begging to be heard"


  2. again...another great piece....u know r either writing above your age,or u have been writing a long time?by the way how long have u been writing?these r all pieces of great great poetry

  3. Thank you both very much. I am 35 now and have been writing since I was 8. I wrote my first poem at the age of 5. It was about having a baby sister. I feel very blessed to have you all to share my words with. This incredible journey wouldn't be the same without all of you. God bless. :)

  4. every word you have put into existence here, has been known to me as truth for some time now. It's almost funny, the ways we seek validation, and in doing so lose awareness to the raw power of what we're creating. We might be called poets, but we are the mystics of our time.

    Your talent is not capable of being overlooked.
